Spirit Quartz is a unique member of the Quartz family from the Magaliesberg Mountain region of South Africa. Its typical appearance is a single crystal with a faceted point barnacled by smaller, similarly shaped crystals. Because of this unique appearance, it is also known as Cactus Quartz, Barnacle Amethyst, Pineapple Amethyst, and Porcupine Quartz. Spirit Quartz has unique properties depending on its form, colour and vibrations.
Spirit Quartz history and lore
Spirit Quartz crystals were discovered in the Magaliesberg Mountains of South Africa around 2001. This is the only known source in the world.
Spirit Quartz physical properties
Spirit Quartz is commonly found as Amethyst in varying shades of lavender, but other varieties exist in grey-brown, yellowish-brown, and white. Its crystals are encrusted by a second generation of smaller crystals grown on the prism faces. The small second-generation crystals point away from the prism and their orientation is not related to the crystallographic orientation of the central crystal. Often the tips of the first generation crystals remain free.
Spirit Quartz healing and metaphysical properties
Spirit Quartz is a high vibration crystal with many small points that reflect energy in all directions. It forms in four natural colours – amethyst, citrine, smokey, and white – each with unique attributes depending on the colour and vibration. The central crystal contains wisdom, while the smaller crystals magnify this healing effect by radiating a powerful vibration in all directions. The more tiny crystals there are, the greater the energy generated.