Understanding the durability and strength of minerals is not just a curiosity—it's a necessity for geology, construction, and jewellery design professionals. But how can we quantify and compare the hardness of the diverse minerals uncovered from the earth's crust? Enter the Mohs Hardness Scale, a tool that, since the early 19th century, has provided a basic ordinal metric for natural materials' resistance to scratching. If you're a geology enthusiast, rock collector, or student of the sciences, this guide will take you on a deep dive into the granularity of the Mohs scale.

The Mohs Hardness Scale Explained

Imagine identifying a gemstone's resilience simply with a quick test. This notion isn't just hypothetical - it's a reality with the help of the Mohs Hardness Scale. Established to decode a mineral's toughness, this scale is a geologist’s roadmap to understanding the hidden strength of the elements beneath our feet. This scale, still widely used today, enables a simple yet effective comparison of material properties without requiring specialised equipment.

What Is The Mohs Hardness Scale?

Named after its creator, German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs, The Mohs Hardness Scale was created in 1812. Despite being established over two centuries ago, it remains a fundamental tool due to its simple yet effective method of determining mineral durability. 

The Mohs Scale is a comparative, sequential scale from 1 to 10 that ranks minerals according to their scratch resistance. Mohs chose ten readily available minerals and arranged them in order of increasing hardness. Using reference minerals of known hardness allows for the identification of mineral specimens.

A mineral can scratch any other mineral—or be scratched by it—if it ranks higher on the scale. Consequently, this not only aids in mineral identification but also gives insights into various practical applications, such as determining suitable materials for jewellery or industrial uses where hardness is a critical factor.

Friedrich Mohs

Understanding The Mohs Scale

Each number on the scale corresponds to a specific mineral, with Talc at the low end with a hardness of 1 and Diamond, the hardest natural mineral, at the high end with a hardness of 10. The mid-scale mineral, Orthoclase, ranks at 6 and is just about able to scratch window glass.

Minerals rated higher on the scale can scratch those that are rated lower. For instance, Corundum (hardness of 9) can scratch Topaz (hardness of 8) but not diamond. While not precise in its intervals, this scale provides a practical method by which geologists and hobbyists can estimate the hardness of a mineral in the field.

Unlike other measurement scales that equalise the intervals between numbers, the steps between minerals on the Mohs scale are not uniformly incremental. 























Common Object




Finger Nail

2 - 2.5



Iron Nail




Steel File


Flint Sandpaper


Masonry Drill Bit


Emery Paper




Practical Applications Of The Mohs Scale  

The Mohs Hardness Scale may seem simple, but its implications are profound. Understanding mineral hardness extends beyond academic interest. It affects everyday decisions, whether choosing a suitable material for countertops or determining jewellery that withstands everyday wear.

In Jewellery Making: Jewellers rely on the Mohs scale to decide which gemstones are appropriate for engagement rings—opting for higher gems, suggesting increased durability against scratches.

In Construction: Construction materials are selected based on their ability to resist abrasion and scratching, often measured using the Mohs scale.

In Geology: Meanwhile, geologists and mineralogists wield the scale as a fundamental field tool for identifying and classifying new mineral finds.

Tips for Testing Hardness

The beauty of the Mohs scale lies in its ease of use, with tools ranging from fingernails (which rate at about 2.5 on the scale) to metal files. A simple scratch test can often yield instant insights into a mineral's makeup. It's essential, however, to remember that this method does not provide precise measurements but rather a quick approximation to facilitate field identification. To avoid irregularities or debris affecting the outcome, clean surfaces are vital for accurate tests. Safe practices should always be ensured, as some minerals can splinter or produce hazardous dust.

Hardness Variations in Minerals

While most minerals maintain a consistent hardness, some exhibit a range due to variations in their composition. In a solid state, atomic bonds between certain elements can be stronger than others, influencing hardness. For instance, Garnet, with a general formula of X3Y2(SiO4)3 (where X can be Ca, Mg, or Fe and Y can be Al, Fe, or Cr), demonstrates different hardness values based on its specific composition, ranging from 6.5 to 8.

Another example is Kyanite, a mineral known for its blade-shaped crystals. Kyanite's hardness varies with the direction of testing: it measures about 5 when tested parallel to the long axis of the crystal and about 7 when tested parallel to the short axis.

Weathering also affects a mineral's hardness by altering its composition, typically making the weathered product softer than the original material. Therefore, when testing a mineral's hardness, streak, or other properties, it is best to use a freshly broken surface that has not been exposed to weathering.

Common Misconceptions About Mineral Hardness

Despite its utility, the Mohs scale is often misunderstood. It's not a linear scale but an ordinal one - the jump in hardness from 9 to 10 is far more significant than from 1 to 2. The belief that a Diamond is indestructible is one of the most enduring misunderstandings about mineral Hardness. While exceedingly hard, diamonds can undergo cleavage under certain conditions, illustrating a nuance that the Mohs scale cannot capture.

Another common misconception is that two minerals of the same hardness will not scratch each other. However, this isn't strictly true – minerals at similar hardness levels can occasionally damage each other due to impurities or imperfections in their crystal structure. Hardness differs from toughness; for instance, a diamond might be incredibly hard, yet it can still break if struck with enough force.

Mineral Toughness

Mineral toughness is a measure of a mineral's resistance to breakage or fracturing, which is not to be conflated with hardness—a concept well-documented by the Mohs scale.

Toughness pertains more to the cohesiveness of a mineral's molecular structure than its resistance to being scratched. For example, while Diamond ranks at the pinnacle of the Mohs scale with a hardness of 10, it is not impervious to shattering. Toughness is dictated by how a mineral responds to a forceful impact rather than how easily its surface can be marked. As such, Jade, though possessing a lower hardness rating than a Diamond, can exhibit superior toughness and resilience against breaking.

This distinction highlights a limitation of the Mohs scale—it exclusively assesses scratch resistance and not the structural durability or toughness of minerals.

Mineral Stability

Mineral Stability refers to the ability of a mineral to maintain its structure and composition in the face of environmental changes, such as variations in temperature, pressure, or chemical surroundings. This stability is crucial in determining the longevity and durability of the mineral in its given context.

Unlike Hardness and Toughness, the Mohs scale does not directly measure Stability. For example, a mineral with a high Mohs hardness may be stable under Earth's surface conditions but could become unstable when exposed to surface weathering processes. Calcite, which has a Mohs hardness of 3, can easily be scratched by most substances; however, its chemical stability in an underground environment can be pretty high until it is subjected to acidic conditions on the surface, where it readily dissolves.

Thus, mineral Stability is a complex attribute, affected by both intrinsic properties and extrinsic factors, and cannot be solely inferred from hardness measurements.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Mohs Hardness Test is a simple procedure to gauge the scratch resistance of minerals. To perform the test, an examiner attempts to scratch the mineral in question with a reference mineral or material from the Mohs Scale. If the reference substance scratches the test specimen, the test mineral has a lower hardness rating. Conversely, if the test mineral remains unscratched, it possesses a hardness equal to or greater than the reference substance.

Mineral hardness is a distinctive property that provides insight into its ability to resist scratching and abrasion. It essentially refers to the resistance of a mineral when a force is applied to its surface.

Unlike hardness, toughness measures a mineral’s ability to withstand impact or pressure without breaking or chipping. Stability, meanwhile, typically refers to a mineral’s chemical stability, meaning its resistance to alterations or decomposition by chemical reactions with environmental agents.

Hardness should not be confused with toughness, as a hard mineral can be brittle and easy to break despite its ability to resist scratching. Similarly, stability should be understood as more of a chemical perseverance than physical endurance. For instance, Diamonds have the highest hardness level on the Mohs scale, exhibiting exceptional scratch resistance, yet they can cleave or fracture upon impact due to their brittleness. Gold has a low hardness level, thereby easily scratched, but it has high stability, making it resistant to rust and tarnishing.

These properties play a vital role in using and appreciating minerals in various industries, including gemology, jewellery making, and manufacturing.

The Mohs Hardness Scale is renowned for its simplicity and is the most widely known method for comparing mineral hardness. However, it is not the only test used in mineralogy.

Another method is the Vickers hardness test, which measures the size of an indentation made by a diamond-tipped probe under a specific load. This test provides numerical values that can offer more precise hardness levels than Mohs’ relative ranking system. The Brinell hardness test also uses a different indentation technique to measure hardness, particularly in metals. These tests are quantitatively more rigorous and are employed when a more exact hardness value is required.

The Mohs Hardness Scale can be particularly helpful when choosing jewellery. Knowing the hardness of a gemstone can inform you about how susceptible it is to scratches and wear. For instance, a diamond, ranking at 10 on the Mohs scale, is much more durable for everyday wear compared to a stone like opal, which has a lower hardness rating and is more prone to damage.
Despite more detailed measuring methods, the Mohs Hardness Scale remains relevant due to its simplicity and ease of use, making it a great educational tool and a first point of reference for mineral hardness in the field. However, more quantitative approaches like the Vickers or Brinell tests might be chosen for precise industrial applications.

No, the Mohs Hardness Scale does not predict how a mineral breaks or fractures. The scale only indicates a mineral’s resistance to being scratched by another substance. For insights into a mineral’s breakage patterns, one must examine its cleavage and fracture properties, which are separate and distinct characteristics from hardness. Cleavage refers to a mineral’s tendency to break along specific planes, while fracture describes how a mineral breaks apart.

The Mohs Hardness Scale is based on relative comparison. Since diamond is the hardest known natural mineral, it is designated as the highest point on the scale. No natural minerals have been found to exceed diamond’s hardness.

Yes, without a reference set, common objects such as a fingernail, a penny, or a steel file can be used to estimate a mineral’s hardness. For example, a fingernail has a hardness of about 2.5, and glass has a hardness of around 5.5 on the Mohs scale.

The Mohs Hardness Scale is a relative measure and does not account for minute variations within a mineral species. It serves as a general guideline for mineral hardness but is not precise enough to capture subtle differences within the same mineral.

Final Thoughts On The Mohs Hardness Scale

From selecting the right gemstone for that special someone's ring to choosing materials that will endure the test of time in construction, the Mohs Hardness Scale plays an instrumental role in our daily decision-making. It is a testament to the scale’s enduring relevance and simplicity.

Today, the Mohs Hardness Scale's legacy remains an easy-to-understand and practical approach to classifying minerals. Whether in the field or the classroom, this guide should serve as your stepping stone to further exploration into the grander scheme of geology where durability truly gets unearthed.

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